BASIC DOABLE 3 success secrets…..
2 min readJul 3, 2023


  1. The Soothing Effect of “Yet”

Whenever you feel like a loser after failing and negative thoughts flood in…

Add *yet* and instantly regain hope & confidence.

“I’m not good at socializing.” (Limiting)

“I’m not good at socializing… yet.” (Inspiring)

2. Visualization

Fact: Your subconscious mind rules 95% of your life.

Here’s how you can harness its unimaginable power to dominate life:

Step 1: Every day for 15 min, close your eyes and imagine your dream results as if you have ALREADY achieved them.

Step 2: Feelings are key. How will it feel when you reach your dreams?

Lock in on the sensations.

3. Focus is a Superpower

Most people will NEVER become successful because they juggle too many plates at once.

Constantly jumping from one “biz opp” to the next: Dropshipping, affiliate biz, amazon…

But :

That’s a recipe for disaster.

Your time, energy, and focus are extremely LIMITED resources.

So it’s best to funnel ALL of them into mastering ONE high-income skill.



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